ENCODE Project meets Darwinian theory,<br> pondscum, evolution, science and society.

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ENCODE Project meets Darwinian theory,
evolution, science and society.

The ENCODE impact on evolution theory. Richard Dawkin's "pond scum" evolution teaching and evolution teaching in general and the effects on society. The usefulness of evolution teaching for physics, technology, empirical science, Academic Freedom Bills, etcetera.


Evolution theories are dependent on research into the past which is not directly testable. It is made up of assumptions about how people would like to believe life evolved, but it always has gaps between the species, which have to be bridged by hopeful assumptions. How many times have we been told over the years that "we have discovered the missing link between humans and our ancestors"? Yet none of these are still believed by evolutionists who keep up with the latest evidence and research into our past. Evolutionists claim that teaching of evolution is essential, it must be taught otherwise the teaching of science will suffer, and society will be worse off technologically.

They can never explain how assumptions about past life, will be invaluable, or even relevant for physics, technology, even for the humble technician, computer programmer, builder, office worker, etcetera. How will it make you better at your vocation by believing that you are just evolved pond scum, as Dawkin's, a leading proponent of evolution, claims we are? Does it inspire you to work honestly, and to strive for long term goals? Would it help you with bringing up children, to believe that when you die, and they die, there was no purpose to any of your efforts, even if you prosper and make millions, and a great name for yourself, according to evolution "ought availeth man" what then would be the meaning of it?
Rather than teach "parents to be" the theory of evolution, teaching how to keep dogs under control by proper training and incentives would be much more helpful as most of it is relevant to teaching children to behave, and not scream the place down in a shop because they want an icecream now, just before a mealtime, or other disobedient behaviour.

It is much better to teach that life is incredibly complex, showing amazingly intelligent design, that you are special, and have purpose and a great future ahead. This will give them inspiration and they will work better, have better health, because they are special and have a long term purpose, which the theory of "evolved pond scum" can never give them. You do have a great purpose and future, even though you might not be able to see it at present, you are valuable and important, a reference to a file that will help you to get a better understanding of this is further down this page.

Evolutionary teaching just destroys any purpose or hope for the future, makes even the close relationships you strive for with partner or spouse unstable, because there is no moral reason to trust and persevere. The lack of purpose leads to drugs, violence, murder and suicide, as there can not be any worthwhile purpose for meaningless evolved pond scum. Why stress yourself out working hard, or studying for a degree, if the only future is this depressing, violent world?

Societies morals and behaviour are breaking down, with murders and school shootings, because of years of "evolved pond scum" teaching. We have lost many people who would have become great scientists or physics researchers etc, but they got depressed by the pond scum teaching, drummed into them at school, and in the media, and now they are no more.

Evolutionists claim that "Intelligent Design" is not a science, even though the complexity of life demands an intelligent information source. Intelligent Design specifically excludes religion, and uses up to date scientific data, and is more open to correct research and reasoning, as it doesn't have the demands that "it must prove evolution, or it must be wrong". ID proponents can honestly asses the research, free of having to come to a predetermined dogmatic narrow-minded belief.

The ENCODE Project has shown such complex computer type processes in the simplest, and in every cell, that with the other complications, such as the 10,000 rpm ATP motor, kinesins that transport things about in the cell, the absolute purity and precision required for all chemistry, and the complexity and information in the DNA, and the way it is read, that the theory of evolution is now completely dead, we are just waiting for the last diehards to realise their inevitable defeat.

No cell, simple, plant or animal, and even each cell in your body, can live without ATP. In bacteria and every cell in our bodies this is manufactured by an atpase motor. Also there is the complexity of free roving kinesins and the precise information in the DNA and its reading/copying mechanism. The very first living cell must have these, but it is such a massive amount of complexity that evolution, depending on random unguided chemistry, could never produce even one of these things. The evolutionists claim that 90% of your DNA is left-over "junk", this was because they didn't research its use, just made assumptions based on deliberate ignorance, ie they knew that they didn't know, but the ENCODE Project has proved that it is the META information on how to use the information in the remainder of the DNA, there is no "junk". This 90% is now called "untranslated regions" (UTR) because it is copied along with the code for proteins, but only the protein information is translated via RNA into the required protein or product that is required. Then a kinesins takes it to the place where it is needed. This is like a traction engine that draws the protein along to the address given by the code attached to the tail of the protein, or whatever the product is that was requested by the cell. Kinesins also remove waste material from the cell, but this requires intelligence, or a complex program, but how can a tiny free entity inside a bacteria or in our cells have this ability? The very first reproducing cell must have had great complexity, which no amount of random chemicals could produce in all eternity.

All teaching, particularly the teaching of science, should teach people what they need for their future vocation, and welfare, and inspire them towards greater things, not depress them with teaching about impossible assumptions of their supposed descent from pond scum. Also the teaching and encouragement to experiment in the ultimate closeness in the interpersonal relationships realm, and attitude to drugs, and passing laws to prevent free speech, so that you cannot tell the truth about harmful practices, helps to cloud our true value and purpose. Does the evolutionary teaching that you are just evolved pond scum make you happy, does it inspire you? If not go to: Get a better perspective on the beginning of life, and your value and purpose. It gives a general outline to help you to a better understanding, and where to go for more information.

The new kid on the block is true science, free from the fetters of the "you are evolved pond scum" mentality and stupidity. The scientific research can lead you to where ever it honestly does, you don't have to demand that it "proves" evolution, you are free to come to honest conclusions. With the passing of academic freedom laws in the USA more scientists will be able to openly discuss the actual results of scientific research, and where the evidence of the horrendous complexity leads to, in relation to our origins, and possible future.

Evolution Academic Freedom Bills Sweeping the Nation.
Michigan became the fifth state to introduce an academic freedom bill to protect teachers who want to teach critical analysis of controversial subjects such as evolution.

"Educators should have the freedom to bring in the best scientific information to facilitate those discussions," said Michigan Representative John Moolenaar, the bill's sponsor. "We're trying to get students to ask the question: What scientific evidence exists for what theories?"

"I do not expect teachers to go into the classrooms and present a bizarre array of theories," said Florida Representative Alan Hays. "The theory of evolution, which most practicing biologists are teaching today, is inadequate in explaining our existence in the eyes of some scientists. Teachers need to be able to bring their students up to date."

To my index page for:
science, canine teeth, is ID science, Sea ice melting, evolution comes into it's own when. . . , How evolution is propelled, why some believe evolution, global warming, etc.

See information on the ENCODE Project:

At last! Science prevails!
The ENCODE PROJECT has revealed startling complexity in the DNA.

The "junk" DNA is actually the most important part.
Old religious superstition dies!

URLs with scientific information on the evolution/creation subject, or straight science.

The web site, True Origins, has a strong scientific basis covering the source of life, thermodynamics, biological origins, and includes many science references for most of the articles. Some of the research quoted within research papers on trueorigins is done by evolutionists who try to fit the data into evolution, and are puzzled because it often does not fit the theory, so some fanciful story telling is done to make it seem OK. However, the research papers on true origins usually show how it fits in logically, in accordance with the rules of science, which usually supports creation more than evolution.

If you have been snubbing God because you believe in evolution, you need to read about the many things that show that evolution cannot happen. One good evidence is the tiny acid driven rotary motor that is in every cell of your body, to produce ATP, the cells energy fuel, from ADP. Read "ATP The perfect Energy Currency for the Cell", and other evidence at:-

True Origin -Fascinating, easily understood data on life's technicality's, and evolution's problems.

skull 1470.htm An extensive article with information from Leaky and other evolutionists.

www.creation.com Essential reading for evolutionists, you need to know what the opposition is actually claiming, don't assume that evolutionist websites and emails, even school and university study books, are giving you an accurate data, they often skip anything too hard to refute, and follow the old (160 years) evolutionary line of reasoning. - Answers in Genesis Presents the creationist side of the debate. Includes many articles and audio and video files of debates and discussions on the issue. Extensive scientific and general interest articles, showing how well most science and fossils fit into the biblical perspective on a scientific basis, not because the bible says so, though that is the reason for much research to see if explanations of fossils and life fit better into a young earth scenario.

creationtheory.8k.com. Comments and papers on evolutions problems and National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Teaching about Evolution. Why the world and people on it, read: In the beginning. How to know the "Truth" about evolution/creation.

http://angelfire.com/ak5/once_saved A disastrous tale of woe. Make sure you don't get caught out with one of these Bible verses that warn of the loss of salvation. Many people have drifted away from God, until the connection is lost. Some have become ardent evolutionists, strongly opposing God, and yet have not found proof of evolution, but just accepted widespread public opinion.

Exchangedlife.com A section on creation/evolution and some articles on prophesy, some of which is still ahead of us, showing that someone back then knew the future.

About family life and values:-
Focus on Family values - Guidance for a good life style, that is based on good principles.

Above Rubies -See the latest experiences and testimonies at Above Rubies.

This web page operated by:-Alfred.

Comments, criticisms and suggestions gratefully received.


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